Aboard Petronella -- a META built Joshua 40 -- in Fort de France harbor in Martinique.
That would be our Joshua 40. Or at least half ours. The whole boat will be ours once we reach the Bahamas.
So, yes, we've done it. Despite the 143 obstacles thrown in our path by a half dozen bureaucracies in at least four countries, we've made it at last.
We flew down from chilly Miami this morning, met John and Gill at the dinghy dock, enjoyed the humid tropical heat while ferrying 150 lbs. of charts, cruising guides, sight reduction tables, my old fashioned sextant and Walker trailing log, foul weather gear, heavy duty offshore harnesses and tethers, and lots of other gear. Enough stuff for a 1200 nm. voyage up the leeward side of the island chain to the BVIs, then onwards to the Turks and Caicos, the Bahamas, to Lake Worth, FL.
Exciting. A bit terrifying. Just a bit.
I hope we can handle it. I think we can. We will soon find out...
We set sail tomorrow.
Next Up: Getting Our Sea Legs
Most wonderful . . . . I am extremely pleased for you and look forward to having a few vicarious adventures with you from the comfort on my armchair.