04 June 2022

Veasy Cove, on the Chesapeake.

John’s post:

Today we were up early (5:30) to catch favorable current going through the C&D Canal. It is pure luck that the current turned in our favor at 7 am, but a sailor must take his luck when he can get it!

But it wasn't an easy morning cruise. Last night, we realized that after we'd had our chain galvanized last fall, we'd stowed it away without marking it. We normally mark it every 5 meters, so we know how much chain we are putting out. This is important to know because if you are anchoring in, say, 5 meters of water, you might want to put out 20 meters of chain, depending on conditions.

So this morning, while cruising up to the canal, we pulled all 60 meters of chain up on deck, and dutifully marked it with colored ribbons, the method that works best for us.

Green, Yellow, Red, this time, instead of the opposite sequence, because Helena thinks that's easier to remember.

Made it through the C&D by 10 am, no problem, except for the usual half-swamping s by passing powerboats. Now on the Delaware River, heading towards the Atlantic.

If you've done any sailing at all, you know about lGRIB apps like Predict Wind, Windy, and my favorite, LuckGrib. Weird name, great app.

Well, these apps give you access to many different computer weather models. Today, two of those models, the GFS and the HRRR, were saying exactly the opposite things: GFS was saying the wind would be northerly, and the HRRR said they'd be southerly. I hoped the GFS was right, because that would have given us a great sail down the bay. But nope, the wind was right n the nose all day. It's funny how often it is…

Well, we arrived at the Cape Henlopen anchorage just in time d'or a cocktail at sunset. Perfect end to a long two days. Now we should have two days rest, and then with a bit of luck, good weather to set off. Fingers crossed…

Helena’s post:

Woke up a little less tired today, thinking, yes, I am already getting in the groove of salty sailing life. Hmmm, not so fast, I remind my self, this is still coastal cruising. I know that life “out there” will be different from all the experiences we had so far. 

Chores easily carried out at anchor or at the dock will have to be completed while under way. Just thinking ahead….

Besides the anchor chain job, we caulked several port holes on Starboard side, whipped (sailor’s macramé) several lines, roasted a chicken for lunch, fixed faulty GPS…, yes, getting the hang of working under way.

Tomorrow we rest and wait.


  1. Are you guys likely to be affected by Tropical Storm Alex?

    1. Should be long gone.

    2. No, Alex was gone before we left. No problem there.

    3. I disagree, obviously, about leaving earlier. I’m very familiar with spring weather off the New England coast. The chances of cold and stormy weather is too high for my taste. The risk of tropical storms in June is very low, and as it turned out, we had no problems with them at all.


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