10 April 2018

Too short a trip!

It took a few days, but we are finally getting into the rhythm of the Bahamas. This involves being aware of the weather forecast for several days ahead, and planning sailing and nightly anchorages to work with the wind, rather than fight against it.

As a result, we've had several days of good sailing, interesting stop-overs, and comfortable nights.

The highlight of the trip so far has been our stop at Green Turtle Cay. Everyone recommends this little town, and rightly so.

The settlement at Green Turtle Cay was founded by Loyalists who fled the US during the Revolutionary War. Many of their original houses are still standing, and the village is a cluster of tiny, brightly painted cottages, with roads designed for pedestrians and perhaps horses, not cars. We had dinner and drinks at the Sunset or Sundowner bar (I forget the exact name), with a great view of Petronella in the anchorage.

Today, we plan to stop at Manjack Cay, which is supposed to have some nice nature trails and beaches. I don't want to leave the Bahamas without going swimming at least once!

Then we will be moseying back to the west, with the goal of heading back to the US on Friday night. We should be back in Ft. Pierce, or perhaps Cape Canaveral if the weather cooperates, by Saturday.

Next Up: Arrived Daytona, FL

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